Tuesday, March 20, 2012

FREE -- US & UK Kindle Edition -- Emails from Ireland by Johann Wentzel

I Wynand Johannes Wentzel, take you, Linda Joyce Boyd, to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love... but that only came later, much later:
1711 days and 71 emails later to be precise.

The intention was never to group all my emails 'home' into a single document.
That also came much later... only after Ireland became my 'home'!
My way of giving something back to this the most beautiful wee island in the whole wide world:

Fri   11/08/2006 13:47 - I have discovered that certain things work and others should be left alone.
Mon 18/09/2006 15:45 - A paperless society based on paper!
Fri   14/11/2008 11:05 - And there I was thinking that Australia is still only inhabited by convicts.
Thu 16/04/2009 09:28 - There are really lots to mediate about in Ulster.
Tue 30/06/2009 09:45 - A funny lot the Brits.
Mon 18/01/2010 17:39 - The land of milk and honey this is. And bread, snacks, buns, a lake of coffee and an ocean of tea!
Fri   19/02/2010 11:44 - The strangers are the English!
Thu 22/04/2010 16:46 - And she sometimes sounds as if she has a wee diesel engine somewhere deep in her chest.
Tue 20/07/2010 12:13 - It is just that I am now living on Irish time - a bit like African time, just much slower.
Tue 31/08/2010 16:07 - And I thought, who else but the proud stubborn god-fearing Irish can spin a national engineering disaster like the sinking of the Titanic into a money making racket that attracts people from all over the world, even Australia?
Wed 05/01/2011 14:43 - PS - Don't tell anybody you pretty wee bride!
Sat  02/04/2011 12:00 - I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did before.

US Kindle Edition 

UK Kindle Edition

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