Friday, December 30, 2011

FREE -- New Year, New You (Health Matters) [Kindle Edition]

give up. They believe, or tell themselves, that they have to be perfect. That once they make a tiny little slip, their resolution is over.

But it does NOT have to be this way. In fact, many New Year's Resolutions planned out carefully can lead to big changes that can last a lifetime. It is all a question of preparation and mind set, and then following through.

In this guide, you will learn:

+the most common resolutions made--and broken--each year;
+strategies to help you formulate your personal resolution/s;
+how to stay committed to your resolutions;

You will also discover:
+how to stay on track with your resolutions and goals;
+how to get started becoming more fit, without misery or injury;
+the best strategies for safe, effective weight loss;
+how your resolutions can lead to a lifetime of positive, healthy changes.

If you are ready this year for the New You you've been longing for, this practical guide will help you get on the right track with your resolutions, and stay there.

Click here to get the Kindle edition of this book for FREE!!

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