Sunday, January 1, 2012

FREE -- Twilight Exposed! The Inside Story of a Billion Dollar Franchise by Marc Stein [Kindle Edition]

I stumbled onto Twilight by accident.

A good friend threw me a copy of the first Twilight novel by Stephenie Meyer as I was boarding a plane from Phoenix to New York City.

My friend yelled, “The author is from Phoenix”!

I tucked the book in my laptop carrier and moved through security.

I opened the book and started to read as we taxied on the runway at Sky Harbor Airport. I finished the book as we were landing at LaGuardia Airport.

I was thrilled, amazed and surprised by the story, the characters, setting and with intensity of the love between Bella and Edward.

It took more than five years for me to assemble my thoughts and ideas about the books, and the inside story.

This book is a product of those thoughts.

I’m sure you’ll read much better copy and text about Twilight in other books. And have patience with my approach, this is only my second published book.

But one thing I know for sure……

You will never see Twilight the same again. I researched thousands of documents, stories, reports, videos and other resources as a foundation for what you are about to read.

I’m sure there are gaping holes in the book.

But, know this….it’s my best effort to show you a billion dollar franchise like you’ve never seen it before.

You’ll read stories, rumors, articles and information you have never read before.

I’ve also included an original draft of the first movie script.

You’ll learn about the author, cast, crew, actors and even the production company. There’s even a chapter on lawsuits pending and/or settled!

You can’t overlook the chapter on Twilight merchandise.

Please send me your favorite Twilight stories, gossip or insight. Maybe we can include it in the next edition of Twilight Exposed!

I hope you enjoy the book!

Table of contents
The Real Story Behind Twilight by Stephenie Meyer's
The Twilight Saga
The Actors
The Cast
The Crew
A Billion Dollar Franchise
Twilight Lawsuits
Twilight Merchandise
The Rumors, Gossip and Inside Story of Twilight Cast
Twilight – Original Shooting Draft (Script)
Twilight Wrap and Future
Official Resources
It’s a Wrap!
About the Author – Marc Stein

Click here to get the Kindle edition of this book for FREE!

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