Friday, December 30, 2011

FREE -- Journey of the Heart (The Starbuck Saga) by Jacinta Carey [Kindle Edition]

Samantha Barnes, daughter of a wealthy ship-builder from Nantucket, is ordered by her father to marry a business rival’s son to further his own interests. Samantha flees to her uncle’s house in a desperate attempt to keep her freedom and save the Barnes Shipyard from bankruptcy.

At her uncle’s home she meets dashing whaling captain Darryl 'Dare' Starbuck, a wealthy man with excellent family connections and the Devil’s own luck on the high seas. The friendship which springs up between them soon grows to overwhelming attraction.

Samantha risks all by disguising herself as a boy and shipping out with her cousin Roland as one of Dare’s crew in order to help restore her family’s fortunes. Only when she sails with Dare can she decide if he is just interested in her because of her social connections, or whether she can trust her life and love to him, her body and soul…

Dare has never met a woman like Samantha Barnes, but what kind of life can he offer her when he is away at sea on his whaling ship for years at a time? Haunted by the shadow of his father death, he is driven to become the most famous captain of his time.

But when he discovers Samantha is on board, and has performed every duty more than ably, he grudgingly starts to admit that perhaps there is room for Samantha in his life--and his heart.

But whaling on the high seas is perilous at the best of times. Their budding love is put to the test, with the most shocking consequences. Has Dare found his one true love, only to lose her to his fickle mistress, the raging sea?

Click here to get the Kindle edition of this book for FREE!

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