Friday, December 30, 2011

FREE -- The Mark of the Beast by Olisaemeka Mbanefo [Kindle Edition]

Most Christians all over the world believe that the Mark of the Beast system will set in motion after they would have been “raptured.” But the system has been in operation and many have been receiving the Beast’s mark on their foreheads and on their right hands. They receive it at their workplaces, their schools, the clubs they belong to, and their homes. Their friends give it to them, the groups they belong to give it to them, their society gives it to them, and their colleagues give it to them.

Many authors have written about the mark of the beast, saying that it is a worldwide financial infrastructure that would enable the identification and tracking of every financial transaction of all human. This worldwide financial system, according to these authors would employ the use of a biochip that would be implanted under the skin of the right hand or the forehead of a human being and the number “666” written on it.

The Mark of the Beast is not a biochip implanted under the skin of a man’s forehead or right hand with the number 666 written on it; it is something different. The Scripture solved the mystery of the Beast’s mark, and this book tells it in a way no book has ever done.

Click here to get the Kindle edition of this book for FREE!!

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