Monday, January 2, 2012

FREE -- Web Rehab: How to give up your Internet addiction without giving up the Internet. by Mark Freeman [Kindle Edition]

Whether you feel the Internet has taken over your life, or you're just having trouble not checking your phone for messages every couple of minutes, "Web Rehab" can help you get back in charge of how you use the Internet.

Based on Mark's own experiences beating Internet addictions and OCD through Exposure & Response Prevention therapy, "Web Rehab" blends proven, evidence-based techniques with the helpful insights that only a recovered addict can provide on how to implement change successfully amidst all of the dynamic pressures and systems we interact with every day.

"Web Rehab" takes you on a step-by-step process through breaking your addictive online behavioral patterns to developing a healthy relationship with the Internet so you can turn it from a distraction into a support for reaching your goals in life.

It includes links to downloadable worksheets to help you on your way, and it's short enough to read in a single sitting so you can begin changing your life today.

Click here to get the Kindle edition of this book for FREE!!!

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