Monday, January 2, 2012

FREE -- No Tomorrow by Philip Machanick [Kindle Edition] *Thriller*

Martin Truscott had been a troubled child, with an obsession with computer games. Now, he found himself driven to seek the truth. A debate about climate change had been raging in the press ? yet it seemed implausible that so many scientists could be lying or deluded. But what if they were? What if the sceptics? really were modern day Galileos? When a documentary appeared alleging just that, Martin was incensed because it was so poorly made; the mainstream scientists had little difficulty in picking it apart. Did this prove anything? No: only that the maker of the documentary did a poor job. What if the Nobel committee had blundered giving Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) the 2007 Peace Prize? So he was determined to find out for himself ? and make the real, definitive truth about climate change documentary. In this pursuit, he found out not only the truth about climate change, but the truth about himself ...

Click here to get the Kindle edition of this book for FREE!

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